February 2024
Six new locations of Crawfish Frogs found in Madison and Scott counties in central Mississippi as part of an undergraduate research class!
October 2023
Work has officially commenced on the field guide, "Amphibians and Reptiles of Mississippi" with the geo-referencing and mapping of points for accurate range maps. More to come!!!
September 2023
Two notes published in Herpetological Review... one on long-range vocalizations of Crawfish Frogs and another on bird remains in diamondback terrapin diets!
February 2023
12 new breeding locations found for Crawfish Frogs in Central Mississippi as part of a Millsaps undergraduate research class!!
December 2022
Two notes published in Herpetological Review!
September 2022
Paper on 28 new county records collected by Millsaps herpetology class published in the journal Herpetological Review!
August 2022
-2019 Millsaps Graduate Gracie Bellnap published her Honor's Thesis in the journal Urban Naturalist!
June 2022
-Co-authored paper on aging and longevity in wild ectothermic tetrapods published in the journal Science!
-Geographic range extension for Pseudacris brachyphona (Mountain Chorus Frog) published in Herpetological Review!
May 2022
Several members of the lab graduated with their undergraduate degrees from Millsaps including Anna Grace Boxx (Environmental Science), Maddie Moore (Biology), and Thomas Weber (Biology). CONGRATS!
April 2022
-W. Selman promoted to Associate Professor and granted tenure!
March 2022
3 natural history notes on G. oculifera (2) and G. pearlensis published in Herpetological Review.
February 2022
- Honor's Student Anna Grace Boxx presented her Honor's Thesis at the Millsaps Honor's Symposium and wins the award for best Honor's Project in the Division of Sciences. Congrats to AG!
December 2021
- Co-authored paper on the reproductive ecology and nesting success of Reddish Egrets published in the journal Waterbirds.
September 2021
- Co-authored paper on the aging of wild ectothermic vertebrates submitted to Science.
- Co-authored paper on the aquatic turtle community in an urban floodplain accepted in the Urban Naturalist.July/August 2021
- Completed the first year of field research to document the status of four rare salamanders in northeastern Mississippi.
May/June 2021
- Completing final year of field research to determine the status of three turtles in the Pearl River system in Louisiana.
March 2021
- Co-authored paper on 33 new reptile and amphibian county records or range extensions published in Herpetological Review.December 2020
-Six papers published in the Graptemys special issue of Chelonian Conservation and Biology (along with many co-authors!).
-Co-authored paper on hormone profiles and reproduction in Diamondback Terrapins from Louisiana accepted in the journal Amphibian & Reptile Conservation.
-Two natural history notes published in Herpetological Review.
November 2020
- Five manuscripts accepted for publication in an upcoming special Graptemys issue of Chelonian Conservation and Biology.
- Reddish Egret nesting ecology paper accepted in the journal Waterbirds.July 2020
Book review on the Ecology and Conservation of the Diamond-backed Terrapin published in Copeia.
June 2020
-Completed Graptemys fieldwork in Louisiana.
-Hellbender research postponed to 2021 due to COVID-19 outbreak
December 2019
-Natural history note on terrapin kyphosis and lordosis published in Herpetological Review.
-Two MORE manuscripts accepted for publication in Chelonian Conservation and Biology special issue on Graptemys Ecology, Conservation, and Biology.
October 2019
Co-authored paper on environmental effects on body size and shape of Black-knobbed Sawbacks published in the journal Copeia.
September 2019
-Two manuscripts accepted for publication in Chelonian Conservation and Biology special issue on Graptemys Ecology, Conservation, and Biology.
August 2019
-Completed Mississippi Biodiversity field course with 12 Millsaps students. Pictures coming soon!
-Co-authored manuscript on phenotypic plasticity in Black-knobbed Sawbacks accepted in the journal Copeia.
July 2019
-Article on One Lake as One Sewage Lagoon published in Jackson Free Press.
June 2019
-Awarded Louisiana State Wildlife Grant to study the status of Graptemys in the Pearl River of southeastern Louisiana in 2020-2021. Back to the river!
-Two natural history notes and one geographic distribution note published in Herpetological Review.
-Completed fieldwork in northeastern Mississippi on Green Salamanders and Graptemys of the upper Tombigbee River system with support of a grant from the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden.
May 2019
-Millsaps Graduation 2019... Excited for lab members Gracie Bellnap (with Honor's) and Richard Murray on their graduation. Also, Miranda Gaupp, a former herpetology student, also graduated and will be pursuing a Master's Degree at Georgia Southern and will study Flatwoods Salamanders. Herp on all!
-Recipient of the 2018 Best Paper Young Scholar in Herpetology Award for an article in the journal Copeia entitled, “Spatial, seasonal, and sexual variation in the diet of Graptemys flavimaculata.”
March 2019
-Co-authored manuscript on the change in waterfowl abundance and species composition on Louisiana coastal WMAs and refuges published in the Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.
- Manuscript published on terrapin population structure and morphology across coastal Louisiana in Estuaries and Coasts.
February 2019
Lab member and Millsaps Senior, Gracie Bellnap, successfully completed her Honor's Thesis. She also received Honorable Mention at the 29th Annual Millsaps Student Science Research Symposium for her presentation, "Improved trapping methodologies and turtle community of Lefleur’s Bluff State Park". Congrats Gracie!
January 2019
-Co-authored manuscript on the distribution and abundance of Alligator Snapping Turtles in southwestern Louisiana published in Southeastern Naturalist.
December 2018
-Co-authored manuscript on the global conservation status of turtles and tortoises published in Chelonian Conservation and Biology.
-Four geographic distribution notes published in December issue of Herpetological Review: Acris gryllus (Hale Co., AL), Hyla avivoca (Hale Co., AL), Chrysemys dorsalis (Tishomingo Co., MS), and Hemidactylus turcicus (Jones Co., MS).
September 2018
-Chapter on Louisiana nonmigratory population of Whooping Crane reintroduction published in Whooping Cranes: Biology and Conservation (w/ co-authors S. King, S. Zimorski, and P. Vasseur).
August 2018
-Manuscript published on juvenile diamondback terrapin habitat use in the journal Herpetological Conservation and Biology.
-Presented on Pearl River Graptemys research at the 16th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises in Fort Worth, TX.
July 2018
-Three articles published about the environmental, flooding, and pollution concerns of the One Lake Project in Jackson, MS. The articles were entitled, One Lake Project Will Become 'One Trashy Lake' (Clarion Ledger), A Pearl of Great Price: The Value of a Flowing Pearl River in Jackson (Jackson Free Press), and The Big Flood of the Pearl, Not If, but When (Jackson Free Press).
-Guest on the radio program, "Creature Comforts", on Mississippi Public Broadcasting to discuss turtles of Mississippi, wetlands, and the Pearl River.
-Manuscript on Alligator Snapping Turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) distribution and abundance in Louisiana accepted for publication in Southeastern Naturalist. May 2018
-Manuscript published on plastron pigmentation variation in diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) in Louisiana in Herpetologica (with co-authors B. Reinke and S. Pearson).
-Manuscript published on geographic, seasonal, and sexual variation in the diet of Graptemys flavimaculata in Copeia (with co-author P. Lindeman).
April 2018
Awarded the Richard A. Smith Award for Excellence in Scholarship or Creative Work for Millsaps College.
March 2018
Manuscript on 36 new county records for MS, LA, and TN published in Herpetological Review (with 15 undergraduates from Millsaps undergraduate herpetology).
February 2018
Millsaps undergraduate students Gracie Bellnap, Drew Carter, and Haley Smith presented posters on their turtle research at the 28th Annual Millsaps Student Science Research Symposium.
January 2018
-Manuscript on observations of juvenile diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) in Louisiana accepted in Herpetological Conservation and Biology.
-Manuscript on 36 new county records for MS, LA, and TN accepted in Herpetological Review (with 15 undergraduates from Millsaps undergraduate herpetology).
-Co-authored manuscript on pigmentation variability in diamondback terrapins across coastal Louisiana accepted in Herpetologica (with B. Reinke, TX A&M and S. Pearson, LDWF).
December 2017
-Manuscript on geographic, seasonal, and sexual variation in the diet of Graptemys flavimaculata accepted for publication in Copeia (with co-author P. Lindeman).
-Natural history note on shell abnormality and long-term site fidelity in Graptemys flavimaculata published in Herpetological Review.
-Co-author natural history note on abnormal shell morphology and kyphoscoliosis in Trachemys scripta elegans published in Herpetological Review (with R. Elsey, D. Lejeune, and W. Strong, LDWF).
-Co-author manuscript on Whooping Crane multiscale habitat use and movements in Louisiana wetlands published in Waterbirds (with B. Pickens, S. King, P. Vasseur, and S. Zimorski).
-Co-author manuscript on comparisons of reproductive assesments in terrapins published in Herpetological Review (with J. Donini and R. Valverde, Southeastern Louisiana University)
November 2017
Millsaps senior and undergraduate research student, Michael Sullivan, documents first Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) in Lefleur's Bluff State Park in Jackson, MS.
October 2017
Co-author paper on comparisons of reproductive assessment techniques in terrapins accepted for publication in Herpetological Review (with Jordan Donini and Roldan Valverde, Southeastern Louisiana University).
September 2017
-Selected to the Board of Directors for the American Turtle Observatory.
-Co-author paper on Mottled Duck hybridization in the Western Gulf of Mexico published in The Condor: Ecological Applications (with Robert Ford and Sabrina Taylor, LSU). (UPDATE: The article was picked up as a popular science article in the New York Times).
August 2017
Presented two posters at the 15th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles in Charleston, SC. Posters described the diet of the yellow-blotched map turtle (Graptemys flavimaculata) and another described current turtle research projects at Millsaps College.
June 2017
-Manuscript on scute variability in Graptemys flavimaculata published in Herpetologica.
-Millsaps undergraduate Haley Smith begins Pearl River basking turtle surveys.
-Manuscripts Accepted for publication:
1) Co-author paper on Mottled Duck hybridization in the Western Gulf of Mexico in The Condor: Ecological Applications (with Robert Ford and Sabrina Taylor).
2) Co-author paper on Whooping Crane seasonal movements and habitat selection in Louisiana accepted in Waterbirds (with Brad Pickens, Sammy King, Phillip Vasseur, and Sara Zimorski)
-Panel guest to discuss the turtles of Mississippi on "Creature Comforts" radio talk show for Mississippi Public Broadcasting.
May 2017
Millsaps undergraduates Gracie Bellnap and Drew Carter begin their summer research projects on turtles in the Pearl River bottomlands and box turtle ecology, respectively. Both of these projects are being conducted at Lefleur's Bluff State Park.
April 2017
-Featured in Jackson Free Press Article about the potential impacts of the One Lake Project on Pearl River wildlife and surrounding wetlands.
-Selected as regional vice chair for North American Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group (TFTSG).
March 2017
-Manuscript accepted in the journal Herpetologica on scute variability in Graptemys flavimaculata.
-Millsaps undergraduate students Haley Smith and Gracie Bellnap received HHMI Research Fellowships for summer 2017. Haley will be surveying Graptemys oculifera in the Pearl River, and Gracie will be investigating Chrysemys dorsalis reproduction.
February 2017
Presented "Rabbit Island: Wildlife Paradise or Paradise Lost?" for the Baton Rouge Audubon Society.
January 2017
- Manuscript on long-term population status of Graptemys species in the Pearl River published in Journal of Herpetology
- Notes published in Herpetological Review on American Alligator diet and a new distributional record for the Pearl Map turtle.
December 2016
-Paper published in Southeastern Naturalist on Ground Skink commensal nesting in American Alligator nests and Muskrat houses in southwestern Louisiana.
-Collaborative research on Reddish Egret habitat use and prey items highlighted in Cameron LNG newsletter.
-Presented on the population status of Pearl River Graptemys species at the Mississippi Amphibian and Reptile Research Symposium.
September 2016
-Florida Softshell geographic distribution note published in Herpetological Review. This is the first documentation of the species in the state of Louisiana apparently due to accidental release.
August 2016
-Manuscript on long-term population status of Graptemys species in the Pearl River accepted in Journal of Herpetology
-Began faculty position at Millsaps College in the Biology Department.
-Presented on conservation planning for Diamondback Terrapins along the Gulf Coast and Observations of Juvenile Diamondback Terrapin Habitat Use at the 14th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles.
June 2016
-Accepted an Assistant Professor of Field Biology position at Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi (my alma mater - Go Majors!). Changes to the website to come soon...
-Paper accepted for publication in Southeastern Naturalist describing Little Brown Skink nesting ecology in Alligator nests and Muskrat houses.
-Co-authored paper published in Copeia on habitat-related variation in body size and reproduction in Sabine Map turtles.
April - June 2016
-Conducted field work in southwestern Louisiana for diamondback terrapins and Reddish Egrets.
March 2016
-Paper published in Waterbirds on long-term population and colony dynamics of Brown Pelicans in coastal Louisiana.
February 2016
-Presented a poster on terrapin reproduction at the Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Annual Meeting in Nauvoo, Alabama.
January 2016
-Presented on the life history and ecology of Graptemys gibbonsi (Pascagoula River Map turtle) at Southeastern Louisiana University Biology Seminar Series.
December 2015
-Co-authored paper published in Copeia on the population genetics of the ringed sawback in the Pearl River system.
-Co-authored note published in Herpetological Review on Western Ribbon Snake arboreal behavior.
-Promoted to Associate Editor for Herpetological Conservation and BiologyOctober 2015
-Paper accepted in Waterbirds on long-term colony dynamics of brown pelicans in rapidly changing coastal Louisiana.
-Note published in Herpetological Review on a new parish record for Green Sea Turtles.
September 2015
-Paper published in Herpetological Conservation and Biology on the life history and ecology of the Pascagoula Map Turtle.
-Co-authored paper accepted in Copeia on Sabine Map turtle habitat-related variation in body size and reproductive output.
August 2015
-Paper published in Southeastern Naturalist describing the herpetofaunal diversity in a remnant coastal chenier forest.
-Presented a poster and a talk at the 13th Annual Symposium on Conservation and Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises, Tucson, AZ.
-Co-author on three presentations (two student talks) at 13th Annual Symposium in Tucson, AZ.
June 2015
-Paper published in Herpetological Review describing eye and chin pattern variation of False Map turtles in SW Louisiana (with P. Lindeman).
-Paper Published in Conservation Genetics on the population genetics of terrapins in Louisiana.
-Note published in Herpetological Review describing necrotic skin exfoliation in alligators (with R. Elsey)
-Paper published in The Wilson Journal of Ornithology describing the first nesting records for American Oystercatchers and Reddish Egrets in southwestern Louisiana, with implications for dredge spoil island management.
May 2015
- Sampled two sites in southwestern Louisiana for long-term terrapin research on population structure and demography, as well as reproductive studies.
- Hosted Jordan Donini (Southeastern Louisiana University) to assist with his Master's Thesis research on terrapin reproductive physiology.
April 2015
Four manuscripts accepted for publication including herpetofauanl community of coastal chenier forests (Southeastern Naturalist), conservation genetics of ringed sawbacks (with D. Gaillard et al., Copeia), phenotypic variation of False Map turtles in the Calcasieu River system (with P. Lindeman et al., Herpetological Review), and population genetics of terrapins in Louisiana (with C. Petre et al., Conservation Genetics).
March 2015
Two Natural History Notes published in Herpetological Review, with one on turtles basking on Whooping Crane nests and the other was kyphosis in Sabine Map Turtles.
February 2015
Attended SEPARC meeting in Covington, LA and provided a presentation on Pearl River Graptemys status and a poster on chenier herpetofauna
January 2015
Two distribution notes published in Herpetological Review.
Papers published
-Rev. of The Map Turtle and Sawback Atlas: Ecology, Evolution, Distribution, and Conservation by P.V. Lindeman. Copeia.
-Distribution and Abundance of Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) in southwestern Louisiana. Chelonian Conservation and Biology.
Papers accepted
-First Nesting Records in Southwestern Louisiana for American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliates) and Reddish Egrets (Egretta rufescens), with Implications for Dredge Spoil Island Restoration. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology
-Life History and Ecology of the Pascagoula Map Turtle (Graptemys gibbonsi). Herpetological Conservation and Biology:
-Rockefeller Mottled Duck banding featured in October 2014 issue of American Waterfowler.
Six new locations of Crawfish Frogs found in Madison and Scott counties in central Mississippi as part of an undergraduate research class!
October 2023
Work has officially commenced on the field guide, "Amphibians and Reptiles of Mississippi" with the geo-referencing and mapping of points for accurate range maps. More to come!!!
September 2023
Two notes published in Herpetological Review... one on long-range vocalizations of Crawfish Frogs and another on bird remains in diamondback terrapin diets!
February 2023
12 new breeding locations found for Crawfish Frogs in Central Mississippi as part of a Millsaps undergraduate research class!!
December 2022
Two notes published in Herpetological Review!
September 2022
Paper on 28 new county records collected by Millsaps herpetology class published in the journal Herpetological Review!
August 2022
-2019 Millsaps Graduate Gracie Bellnap published her Honor's Thesis in the journal Urban Naturalist!
June 2022
-Co-authored paper on aging and longevity in wild ectothermic tetrapods published in the journal Science!
-Geographic range extension for Pseudacris brachyphona (Mountain Chorus Frog) published in Herpetological Review!
May 2022
Several members of the lab graduated with their undergraduate degrees from Millsaps including Anna Grace Boxx (Environmental Science), Maddie Moore (Biology), and Thomas Weber (Biology). CONGRATS!
April 2022
-W. Selman promoted to Associate Professor and granted tenure!
March 2022
3 natural history notes on G. oculifera (2) and G. pearlensis published in Herpetological Review.
February 2022
- Honor's Student Anna Grace Boxx presented her Honor's Thesis at the Millsaps Honor's Symposium and wins the award for best Honor's Project in the Division of Sciences. Congrats to AG!
December 2021
- Co-authored paper on the reproductive ecology and nesting success of Reddish Egrets published in the journal Waterbirds.
September 2021
- Co-authored paper on the aging of wild ectothermic vertebrates submitted to Science.
- Co-authored paper on the aquatic turtle community in an urban floodplain accepted in the Urban Naturalist.July/August 2021
- Completed the first year of field research to document the status of four rare salamanders in northeastern Mississippi.
May/June 2021
- Completing final year of field research to determine the status of three turtles in the Pearl River system in Louisiana.
March 2021
- Co-authored paper on 33 new reptile and amphibian county records or range extensions published in Herpetological Review.December 2020
-Six papers published in the Graptemys special issue of Chelonian Conservation and Biology (along with many co-authors!).
-Co-authored paper on hormone profiles and reproduction in Diamondback Terrapins from Louisiana accepted in the journal Amphibian & Reptile Conservation.
-Two natural history notes published in Herpetological Review.
November 2020
- Five manuscripts accepted for publication in an upcoming special Graptemys issue of Chelonian Conservation and Biology.
- Reddish Egret nesting ecology paper accepted in the journal Waterbirds.July 2020
Book review on the Ecology and Conservation of the Diamond-backed Terrapin published in Copeia.
June 2020
-Completed Graptemys fieldwork in Louisiana.
-Hellbender research postponed to 2021 due to COVID-19 outbreak
December 2019
-Natural history note on terrapin kyphosis and lordosis published in Herpetological Review.
-Two MORE manuscripts accepted for publication in Chelonian Conservation and Biology special issue on Graptemys Ecology, Conservation, and Biology.
October 2019
Co-authored paper on environmental effects on body size and shape of Black-knobbed Sawbacks published in the journal Copeia.
September 2019
-Two manuscripts accepted for publication in Chelonian Conservation and Biology special issue on Graptemys Ecology, Conservation, and Biology.
August 2019
-Completed Mississippi Biodiversity field course with 12 Millsaps students. Pictures coming soon!
-Co-authored manuscript on phenotypic plasticity in Black-knobbed Sawbacks accepted in the journal Copeia.
July 2019
-Article on One Lake as One Sewage Lagoon published in Jackson Free Press.
June 2019
-Awarded Louisiana State Wildlife Grant to study the status of Graptemys in the Pearl River of southeastern Louisiana in 2020-2021. Back to the river!
-Two natural history notes and one geographic distribution note published in Herpetological Review.
-Completed fieldwork in northeastern Mississippi on Green Salamanders and Graptemys of the upper Tombigbee River system with support of a grant from the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden.
May 2019
-Millsaps Graduation 2019... Excited for lab members Gracie Bellnap (with Honor's) and Richard Murray on their graduation. Also, Miranda Gaupp, a former herpetology student, also graduated and will be pursuing a Master's Degree at Georgia Southern and will study Flatwoods Salamanders. Herp on all!
-Recipient of the 2018 Best Paper Young Scholar in Herpetology Award for an article in the journal Copeia entitled, “Spatial, seasonal, and sexual variation in the diet of Graptemys flavimaculata.”
March 2019
-Co-authored manuscript on the change in waterfowl abundance and species composition on Louisiana coastal WMAs and refuges published in the Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.
- Manuscript published on terrapin population structure and morphology across coastal Louisiana in Estuaries and Coasts.
February 2019
Lab member and Millsaps Senior, Gracie Bellnap, successfully completed her Honor's Thesis. She also received Honorable Mention at the 29th Annual Millsaps Student Science Research Symposium for her presentation, "Improved trapping methodologies and turtle community of Lefleur’s Bluff State Park". Congrats Gracie!
January 2019
-Co-authored manuscript on the distribution and abundance of Alligator Snapping Turtles in southwestern Louisiana published in Southeastern Naturalist.
December 2018
-Co-authored manuscript on the global conservation status of turtles and tortoises published in Chelonian Conservation and Biology.
-Four geographic distribution notes published in December issue of Herpetological Review: Acris gryllus (Hale Co., AL), Hyla avivoca (Hale Co., AL), Chrysemys dorsalis (Tishomingo Co., MS), and Hemidactylus turcicus (Jones Co., MS).
September 2018
-Chapter on Louisiana nonmigratory population of Whooping Crane reintroduction published in Whooping Cranes: Biology and Conservation (w/ co-authors S. King, S. Zimorski, and P. Vasseur).
August 2018
-Manuscript published on juvenile diamondback terrapin habitat use in the journal Herpetological Conservation and Biology.
-Presented on Pearl River Graptemys research at the 16th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises in Fort Worth, TX.
July 2018
-Three articles published about the environmental, flooding, and pollution concerns of the One Lake Project in Jackson, MS. The articles were entitled, One Lake Project Will Become 'One Trashy Lake' (Clarion Ledger), A Pearl of Great Price: The Value of a Flowing Pearl River in Jackson (Jackson Free Press), and The Big Flood of the Pearl, Not If, but When (Jackson Free Press).
-Guest on the radio program, "Creature Comforts", on Mississippi Public Broadcasting to discuss turtles of Mississippi, wetlands, and the Pearl River.
-Manuscript on Alligator Snapping Turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) distribution and abundance in Louisiana accepted for publication in Southeastern Naturalist. May 2018
-Manuscript published on plastron pigmentation variation in diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) in Louisiana in Herpetologica (with co-authors B. Reinke and S. Pearson).
-Manuscript published on geographic, seasonal, and sexual variation in the diet of Graptemys flavimaculata in Copeia (with co-author P. Lindeman).
April 2018
Awarded the Richard A. Smith Award for Excellence in Scholarship or Creative Work for Millsaps College.
March 2018
Manuscript on 36 new county records for MS, LA, and TN published in Herpetological Review (with 15 undergraduates from Millsaps undergraduate herpetology).
February 2018
Millsaps undergraduate students Gracie Bellnap, Drew Carter, and Haley Smith presented posters on their turtle research at the 28th Annual Millsaps Student Science Research Symposium.
January 2018
-Manuscript on observations of juvenile diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) in Louisiana accepted in Herpetological Conservation and Biology.
-Manuscript on 36 new county records for MS, LA, and TN accepted in Herpetological Review (with 15 undergraduates from Millsaps undergraduate herpetology).
-Co-authored manuscript on pigmentation variability in diamondback terrapins across coastal Louisiana accepted in Herpetologica (with B. Reinke, TX A&M and S. Pearson, LDWF).
December 2017
-Manuscript on geographic, seasonal, and sexual variation in the diet of Graptemys flavimaculata accepted for publication in Copeia (with co-author P. Lindeman).
-Natural history note on shell abnormality and long-term site fidelity in Graptemys flavimaculata published in Herpetological Review.
-Co-author natural history note on abnormal shell morphology and kyphoscoliosis in Trachemys scripta elegans published in Herpetological Review (with R. Elsey, D. Lejeune, and W. Strong, LDWF).
-Co-author manuscript on Whooping Crane multiscale habitat use and movements in Louisiana wetlands published in Waterbirds (with B. Pickens, S. King, P. Vasseur, and S. Zimorski).
-Co-author manuscript on comparisons of reproductive assesments in terrapins published in Herpetological Review (with J. Donini and R. Valverde, Southeastern Louisiana University)
November 2017
Millsaps senior and undergraduate research student, Michael Sullivan, documents first Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) in Lefleur's Bluff State Park in Jackson, MS.
October 2017
Co-author paper on comparisons of reproductive assessment techniques in terrapins accepted for publication in Herpetological Review (with Jordan Donini and Roldan Valverde, Southeastern Louisiana University).
September 2017
-Selected to the Board of Directors for the American Turtle Observatory.
-Co-author paper on Mottled Duck hybridization in the Western Gulf of Mexico published in The Condor: Ecological Applications (with Robert Ford and Sabrina Taylor, LSU). (UPDATE: The article was picked up as a popular science article in the New York Times).
August 2017
Presented two posters at the 15th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles in Charleston, SC. Posters described the diet of the yellow-blotched map turtle (Graptemys flavimaculata) and another described current turtle research projects at Millsaps College.
June 2017
-Manuscript on scute variability in Graptemys flavimaculata published in Herpetologica.
-Millsaps undergraduate Haley Smith begins Pearl River basking turtle surveys.
-Manuscripts Accepted for publication:
1) Co-author paper on Mottled Duck hybridization in the Western Gulf of Mexico in The Condor: Ecological Applications (with Robert Ford and Sabrina Taylor).
2) Co-author paper on Whooping Crane seasonal movements and habitat selection in Louisiana accepted in Waterbirds (with Brad Pickens, Sammy King, Phillip Vasseur, and Sara Zimorski)
-Panel guest to discuss the turtles of Mississippi on "Creature Comforts" radio talk show for Mississippi Public Broadcasting.
May 2017
Millsaps undergraduates Gracie Bellnap and Drew Carter begin their summer research projects on turtles in the Pearl River bottomlands and box turtle ecology, respectively. Both of these projects are being conducted at Lefleur's Bluff State Park.
April 2017
-Featured in Jackson Free Press Article about the potential impacts of the One Lake Project on Pearl River wildlife and surrounding wetlands.
-Selected as regional vice chair for North American Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group (TFTSG).
March 2017
-Manuscript accepted in the journal Herpetologica on scute variability in Graptemys flavimaculata.
-Millsaps undergraduate students Haley Smith and Gracie Bellnap received HHMI Research Fellowships for summer 2017. Haley will be surveying Graptemys oculifera in the Pearl River, and Gracie will be investigating Chrysemys dorsalis reproduction.
February 2017
Presented "Rabbit Island: Wildlife Paradise or Paradise Lost?" for the Baton Rouge Audubon Society.
January 2017
- Manuscript on long-term population status of Graptemys species in the Pearl River published in Journal of Herpetology
- Notes published in Herpetological Review on American Alligator diet and a new distributional record for the Pearl Map turtle.
December 2016
-Paper published in Southeastern Naturalist on Ground Skink commensal nesting in American Alligator nests and Muskrat houses in southwestern Louisiana.
-Collaborative research on Reddish Egret habitat use and prey items highlighted in Cameron LNG newsletter.
-Presented on the population status of Pearl River Graptemys species at the Mississippi Amphibian and Reptile Research Symposium.
September 2016
-Florida Softshell geographic distribution note published in Herpetological Review. This is the first documentation of the species in the state of Louisiana apparently due to accidental release.
August 2016
-Manuscript on long-term population status of Graptemys species in the Pearl River accepted in Journal of Herpetology
-Began faculty position at Millsaps College in the Biology Department.
-Presented on conservation planning for Diamondback Terrapins along the Gulf Coast and Observations of Juvenile Diamondback Terrapin Habitat Use at the 14th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles.
June 2016
-Accepted an Assistant Professor of Field Biology position at Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi (my alma mater - Go Majors!). Changes to the website to come soon...
-Paper accepted for publication in Southeastern Naturalist describing Little Brown Skink nesting ecology in Alligator nests and Muskrat houses.
-Co-authored paper published in Copeia on habitat-related variation in body size and reproduction in Sabine Map turtles.
April - June 2016
-Conducted field work in southwestern Louisiana for diamondback terrapins and Reddish Egrets.
March 2016
-Paper published in Waterbirds on long-term population and colony dynamics of Brown Pelicans in coastal Louisiana.
February 2016
-Presented a poster on terrapin reproduction at the Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Annual Meeting in Nauvoo, Alabama.
January 2016
-Presented on the life history and ecology of Graptemys gibbonsi (Pascagoula River Map turtle) at Southeastern Louisiana University Biology Seminar Series.
December 2015
-Co-authored paper published in Copeia on the population genetics of the ringed sawback in the Pearl River system.
-Co-authored note published in Herpetological Review on Western Ribbon Snake arboreal behavior.
-Promoted to Associate Editor for Herpetological Conservation and BiologyOctober 2015
-Paper accepted in Waterbirds on long-term colony dynamics of brown pelicans in rapidly changing coastal Louisiana.
-Note published in Herpetological Review on a new parish record for Green Sea Turtles.
September 2015
-Paper published in Herpetological Conservation and Biology on the life history and ecology of the Pascagoula Map Turtle.
-Co-authored paper accepted in Copeia on Sabine Map turtle habitat-related variation in body size and reproductive output.
August 2015
-Paper published in Southeastern Naturalist describing the herpetofaunal diversity in a remnant coastal chenier forest.
-Presented a poster and a talk at the 13th Annual Symposium on Conservation and Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises, Tucson, AZ.
-Co-author on three presentations (two student talks) at 13th Annual Symposium in Tucson, AZ.
June 2015
-Paper published in Herpetological Review describing eye and chin pattern variation of False Map turtles in SW Louisiana (with P. Lindeman).
-Paper Published in Conservation Genetics on the population genetics of terrapins in Louisiana.
-Note published in Herpetological Review describing necrotic skin exfoliation in alligators (with R. Elsey)
-Paper published in The Wilson Journal of Ornithology describing the first nesting records for American Oystercatchers and Reddish Egrets in southwestern Louisiana, with implications for dredge spoil island management.
May 2015
- Sampled two sites in southwestern Louisiana for long-term terrapin research on population structure and demography, as well as reproductive studies.
- Hosted Jordan Donini (Southeastern Louisiana University) to assist with his Master's Thesis research on terrapin reproductive physiology.
April 2015
Four manuscripts accepted for publication including herpetofauanl community of coastal chenier forests (Southeastern Naturalist), conservation genetics of ringed sawbacks (with D. Gaillard et al., Copeia), phenotypic variation of False Map turtles in the Calcasieu River system (with P. Lindeman et al., Herpetological Review), and population genetics of terrapins in Louisiana (with C. Petre et al., Conservation Genetics).
March 2015
Two Natural History Notes published in Herpetological Review, with one on turtles basking on Whooping Crane nests and the other was kyphosis in Sabine Map Turtles.
February 2015
Attended SEPARC meeting in Covington, LA and provided a presentation on Pearl River Graptemys status and a poster on chenier herpetofauna
January 2015
Two distribution notes published in Herpetological Review.
Papers published
-Rev. of The Map Turtle and Sawback Atlas: Ecology, Evolution, Distribution, and Conservation by P.V. Lindeman. Copeia.
-Distribution and Abundance of Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) in southwestern Louisiana. Chelonian Conservation and Biology.
Papers accepted
-First Nesting Records in Southwestern Louisiana for American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliates) and Reddish Egrets (Egretta rufescens), with Implications for Dredge Spoil Island Restoration. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology
-Life History and Ecology of the Pascagoula Map Turtle (Graptemys gibbonsi). Herpetological Conservation and Biology:
-Rockefeller Mottled Duck banding featured in October 2014 issue of American Waterfowler.